Visualizing Your Experience and finding yourself……..

“Our families always remain in our hearts” .I found another family, another home for me 3 months back. When I enrolled in Amal fellowship program.

Fatima Kashif
3 min readJun 10, 2021
My Amal family

When I look back , I enjoy lots of moments and ups and downs in the whole journey. In the beginning I felt that I couldn’t continue this fellowship but I try to continue this fellowship with the support of my family and my fellows and especially with the support of the program manager sir Anis and also with the help of associate program manager madam Aalia.

Start of new journey Amal fellowship journey

Now after 3 months I find myself change in lot of ways. I start with things that I never want to do in first few weeks I learn to discover myself set my smart goals found my strengths and weakness start working on my weakness try to overcome my weakness and improve my strengths all over experience was great in starting 2 week journey of Amal fellowship. We were placed in a groups and assigned to do different tasks it was new experience for me to work with strangers in the start but now we all are friends. I learned four main principles of Amal. All that principle helped me a lot. The principles were Amal, Khudi, Kam Kam Kam, aik or aik gyarah. Now I found an improved version of myself.

Saw flowers and nature and forgot about all the hardships

I learned a lot of things but it was difficult to manage my studies in COVID situation with this Amal fellowship program but I try to complete my all project works, complete all my online courses in given deadline along with my studies this was not possible but what I learned in the beginning of this fellowship the third principle kam kam kam. If you want to achieve anything you have to work hard and follow the principle Kam Kam Kam .

It is true that anything is hard in the beginning but if you work hard, be positive, work with consistency and try to achieve your goals. In the end it will be worth it.

Finally now it’s end of this journey

