Taking Flight

Fatima Kashif
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Yeah now it’s time to say goodbye to Amal family what I was and now after 3 months what i am is totally different Improve myself in lots of ways such as in speaking in front of camera or audience was very challenging task for me but now i am able to able to speak in front of audience as well as camera is this because of this fellowship they gave me confidence and boost my energy.


The last session was very motivating for me because I am currently unemployed. Listening to stories of other success is very inspiring for me. How they clear their interview, and get a job and internships, learning with other experiences is always helpful for you, and the most important thing is future plan after this course where you want to go in your career or professional life. The activity was very amazing. Experience overall is amazing I feel very comfortable with teacher and group members, we decided that we will get in touch after this course as well and help others like Amal help us in our professional life that course literally change my life because I am afraid of interview and face new people but this course gives boost to my confident which I want to build for many years. The last session was so heart wrenching now this was the time where our fellowship is going to end. All strangers who were now friends will not be able to meet every weekend but despite all of that we finished our journey .


Thanks to Amal for this career prep fellowship course. Highly recommended to the undergraduates student and fresh graduates this course is very helpful to build your soft skills.

