Fatima Kashif
3 min readApr 8, 2021

#Say NO to plastic bags

In the modern world human beings are going so fast, everyone is technologized but as fast as we are destroying nature as well. Like climate change, overpopulation, immigration stresses, civil rights and discrimination, gender inequality. One of the main issues in our country is plastic bags, plastic bags destroying ozone layer, Plastic bags are difficult and costly to recycle and most end up on landfill sites where they take around 300 years to photodegrade. They break down into tiny toxic particles that contaminate the soil, air and waterways and enter the food chain when animals, sea animals accidentally ingest them.

I visited my nearby places and observed how plastic bags are responsible for pollution.

As a common people it’s my responsibility to give awareness to people to stop using plastic bags, on a small scale I want to introduce the idea that I would give a small stand card on every milk shop and mart those who are using plastic bags, basically it’s awareness campaign for consumers who purchase things from these shops. That I contain the words “Say no to Plastic Bags” Example of card and design:

We are not stopping anyone forcefully to not use plastic bags, but if one of them stopped using plastic bags, It’s a proud situation for me to take part in such a campaign to save the world. The idea is small I know but their effect is impressive in society. Plastic bags are hazardous and pollute land, they are not only polluting land but also polluting water, and air.

I asked, interviewed the 2 people who like my idea that say no to plastic bags and use paper bags so by this you can reduce the chances of pollution. That’s why I am giving awareness on this issue as my social responsibility, the issue is very big but I am only doing this on a small scale.